Annie Gillcirst
Office Administrator | Client Specialist
About Annie
“If you don’t like the road you’re walking, start paving another one.”
–Dolly Parton
Annie brings calm, cool, and collectedness to Collins Legal as the company’s Office Admininstrator.
People often describeAnnie as: a pillar of strength, confidence in the storm, a touch of kindness, and the definition grace. One can’t leave her presence without being better for being in her space. Her watchful eye is always surveying the surroundings for potential issues. With Annie you have the person who can always point you in the right direction.
Annie is a skilled and intelligent young lady, bringing enthusiasm to Collins Legal. She is effective with a diverse background and an unsurpassed work ethic. She is versatile and driven and thrives in challenging and fast-paced professional environments.
BS | 2016
Legal Documents and Filings
Client Relations
Billing and Accounting